Garry Kaye
The landscapes portrayed by Garry Kaye are not born of an overly-calculated, self-conscious process, but more due to a history long spent amongst a rural, if not backwoods setting. Garry was born, third generation, to a large family on an island that sits between Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia. Vast amounts of time spent on Salt Spring Island, as a child on a then less populated island, many days farming and simply the years spent living there – have shaped his development of a different sensibility regarding landscape and beauty. His work twists the often overlooked mess of impenetrable underbrush to focus on the intricate yet subtle beauty the island has revealed to him. Garry’s paintings are not of typical beauty.
Bly Kaye
Bly has resided on Salt Spring Island for over thirty five years with her husband Garry Kaye who is an artist. Her son Graham Kaye is also a graduate of Emily Carr. Bly has given workshops and classes over the years, teaching art to young and old alike, in varying contexts and mediums. She continues to teach. Bly is delighted to fulfill a life’s dream which is working full time as an artist.